The Mikrotik wAP 60Gx3 AP (RBwAPG-60ad-SA) - 60 GHz Base Station with Phase array 180° beam-forming Integrated antenna, specially designed for Multi-point connections.
The wAP 60Gx3 AP is a new access point model for the 60 GHz spectrum. Compared with the regular wAP 60G AP, this new model has a completely new antenna array, with support for a much wider angle of coverage and is optimized specifically for mult-ipoint operation.
The 96 antenna elements work with beam-forming technology to provide connectivity for up to eight 60 GHz client devices at the same time, in a 180 degree field of view. Build a cost effective point to multi-point setup in the clean 60 GHz wireless spectrum, at a fraction of the cost.
Two wAP 60Gx3 AP units can be used in point-to-point configurations as well.